
Shopping guide is available here.
Please refer to our guidelines before making inquiry.

Depending on the contents of your inquiry, it may take us a few days to reply.


Customers can make an appointment for consulting with our art material experts. We provide insightful advice and friendly, hands-on support to customers in need. Feel free to use this service if you are looking for recommendations or large purchases.

If you make a reservation in advance, you will be given priority.

Available Hours: Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays from 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

■Service Flow
1. Reserve your visit:
・Fill out the contact form and send it to us.
・Select "Others" for the inquiry category.
・Indicate that you would like to make an appointment with our art material experts and the date and time you would like to visit our store.
・Write which art materials and questions that you would like to ask about.
2. Confirmation of reservation:
・You will receive an email confirming your reservation.
・In the case of holidays, we will reply on the next business day.
・If you are in a hurry, please contact us by phone.
3. On the day of your visit:
Please come to the store on the reserved date and time, and show the screen of the confirmation email to the staff.

・In order to accommodate as many customers as possible, your use of this service may stay for a maximum of an hour.
・If you do not show up to the store or contact us within 15 minutes of your reserved time, your reservation will be canceled automatically.
・ We may refuse entry to customers who have a fever or other health conditions.
・We may not be able to accept your requested date and time due to a limited number of reservations.
・This service is only available for customers who are considering purchasing art materials. For interviews, photoshoots, tours, etc., fill out the contact form with the details.

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