Last Updated on : June 8th, 2024
Do you know the metal called titanium?
The base materials available at PIGMENT TOKYO include not only commonly used materials such as paper and canvas, but also the metallic titanium material.
Designed titanium developed by Nippon Steel Corporation, TranTixxii® is developing a unique brand in the world that "pursues beauty"in titanium.
In this article, titanium and TranTixxii® of we will introduce its characteristics and the effects you can get when using it as an art material.
[Characteristics of titanium]
・Stronger than steel or aluminum
・Highly nonflammable
・High corrosion resistance (will not rust semi-permanently)
・Resistant to discoloration even in acid rain, enough to be used for exteriors, etc.
・High resistance to ultraviolet rays and seawater
【TranTixxii® Features】
⚫︎A wide variety of colors
・Freely control the oxide film on the titanium surface using TranTixxii's unique technology
・A wide variety of colors are available
⚫︎Interference color
・Rich tonal interference colors appear
・Changes depending on viewing angle, weather, time, and changes in light
・Weight that can be used as a base material for works
・High corrosion resistance
・Resistant to rust and corrosion
・Long-term storage possible
Please check each product page for color options and details.
*Depending on the product, the light may be polarized.
*The color appearance of polarized products will vary depending on the viewing angle and environment. Please note.
*Fingerprints easily adhere to the surface of the titanium panel, and once they do, they are difficult to remove, so we recommend wearing gloves when working.
【Color titanium panel used for sample】
SD3 (Hard Color)
Texture : Shiny mirror finish
Size : Panel (titanium plate glued to wooden panel) F6, F10, F15, F25
Sample 100mm x 100mm
ND20 (Hard Color)
Texture: Matte with uneven surface
Size: Panel (titanium plate glued to wooden panel) F6, F10, F15, F25
Sample 100mm x 100mm
Click here for a list of products.
Color Titanium Plate product list
The rich color variations are not just paint.
When a thin oxide film (colorless and transparent) is formed on the surface of titanium, it interferes with light and the color appears, and the surface finish is created by changing the thickness of this film.
Developed as a more versatile metal product while taking advantage of the benefits of titanium TranTixxii® You can tell that it is a "good material" just by looking at its characteristics. However, I am still curious about how it will work when you actually use it.
This time I would like to try out 4 types of color materials.
■Color Titanium Plate × Effect pigment
It's an effect pigment that looks beautiful even when used as a single color, but what kind of brilliance will it produce when applied to a Colore Titanium Plate?
This sample is a polarized Duo Chrome with muted colors.

[Art materials used]
Base material: Color Titanium Plate Sample ND20 (Hard Color) #8
Color material: Duo Chrome RB
Medium: Acrylic Emulsion
Base material: Color Titanium Plate Sample ND20 (#76)
Color material: Duo Chrome RB
Kusakabe Cerulean Blue
Medium: Acrylic Emulsion
Paint is applied to both from above as shown below.
・High water content
・Dark paint (a lot)
・Dark paint (less)
Duo Chrome is a pearl pigment made of mica coated with titanium oxide and iron oxide, and is an effect pigment with a polarizing effect. Duo Chrome RB gives off a pink glow when applied on a white background, and a bluish glow when applied on a black background.
Color Titanium Plate #8 (gold type) has a slightly more reddish pink pearl color than color titanium #76 (blue type).
Also, #76 on the right was overpainted with Cerulean Blue of Kusakabe. It's a little hard to see in the image, but you can also see a faint Duo Chrome RB, so it seems like you can adjust the painting method to take advantage of the ground and figure effects.
I feel that there is a possibility of expression that takes advantage of the color and polarization effect of the Color Titanium Plate itself, as well as the differences due to the amount of paint and the unevenness of the titanium surface.
Next, I applied [Me] Victoria Red F120-51, which has a passionate gold and orange color, to the shiny mirror-like SD3.
The color titanium used is SD3 #0 (silver) with a mirror finish.
#0 does not have an oxide film, so there is no interference. Both images below are the same, but we will compare the difference in how the colors appear depending on the viewing angle.

[Art materials used]
Base material: Color Titanium Plate Sample SD3 (Hard Color) #8
Color material: [Me] Victoria Red F120-51
Duo Chrome RB
Medium: Acrylic Emulsion
Base material: Color Titanium Plate Sample SD3 (Hard Color) #0
Color material: [Me] Victoria Red F120-51
Duo Chrome RB
Medium: Acrylic Emulsion
[Me] Victoria Red F120-51 is a paste-like bright pigment based on high-purity flaky alumina. There is no polarizing effect.
Therefore, I also applied Duo Chrome RB to see the difference due to polarization.
The sample on the left was illuminated from above, and the sample on the right was photographed at a slight angle.
This Color Titanium Plate is easily affected by differences in the environment and reflects the surrounding colors and light, so you can feel the change in Duo Chrome more than ND20.
The way the paint fixes is different between SD3 and ND20, so please try making a prototype to suit your expression, adjusting the medium and paint density, and whether or not to overpaint.
Acrylic paint will adhere to titanium panels, but depending on the type, it may peel off easily. If you want to strengthen the fixing power, use a Metal and Glass Primer. Please use it.
■Color Titanium Plate × Sumi Ink

[Art materials used]
Color material: Daiwagaboku Akanegumo
Base material: Color titanium Plate Sample ND20 (#0)
Sumi Ink with a high moisture content is easy to repel, so I applied it to ND20, which has an uneven surface.
For areas that look thin, apply one coat, and for darker areas near the center, apply 3 to 4 coats. It will be colored after a few coats, but it will be scratched if lightly rubbed with a sharp object.
Although some ingenuity is required for exhibition and long-term storage, it seems possible to create expressions and processing that take advantage of its properties.
■Color titanium panel × Oile-based Alkyd Resin Paints Pebeo

[Art materials used]
Base material: Colored titanium sample ND20 (Hard Color) #58
Coloring material: Oil-based Alkyd Resin Paints Pebeo
Prism Vermilion No.12 / Pearl Violine No.25
Base material: Colored titanium sample ND20 (Hard Color) #88
Coloring material: Oil-based Alkyd Resin Paints Pebeo
Prism Vermilion No.12 / Pearl Violine No.25
Vitrail Sky Blue No.36

[Art materials used]
Base material: Colored titanium sample SD3 (#48)
Coloring material: Oil-based Alkyd Resin Paints Pebeo
Prism Vermilion No.12
Pebeo is an oil-based alkyd resin paint that has a strong personality as a coloring material.
It is an oil-based solvent-based paint that can be painted on canvas, paper, glass, metal, etc., and gives a glossy finish.
Vitraille is highly transparent and is a beautiful paint even when it is a single color.
On the other hand, the prismopaque,As the paint dries, a "honeycomb" pattern appears. Both are glossy and color materials that can be mixed.
It is oil-based and has a glossy, paint-like finish.
This time I applied it by pouring it straight from a penning knife or bottle instead of using a brush, so the color was quite thick, but the surface of both ND20 and SD3 dried in about half a day.
Even when the coated panels were stacked and moved, it did not peel off and was firmly fixed.
The combinations introduced here are just a few examples, but please use them as hints for new discoveries.
Color Titanium Plate have great potential to expand the range of expression as a base material. How about using it as a spice for your sensibilities?
This article features the development story of TranTixxii®.
[ARTICLES] Development Story of TranTixxii®
Nippon Steel Corporation
Website for the TranTixxii® brand